Severin Kids will be hosting an event at the 7th Generation Cinema (124 Main St. Eagle Butte, South Dakota) in part of the Cheyenne Sioux River Tribe on August 18th, 2023.
Local filmmakers and skateboarders have been making short films and will have an opportunity to premiere their work on the big screen.
A Severin Kids coloring contest, word search, and other activities will take place.
Al Adamson's LOST will play and each child will receive a free LOST Poster and a sharpie to sign each other's posters as a memory keepsake.

LOST is a 1983 movie directed by Al Adamson. A little girl gets lost in the wilderness of Utah. It stars Sandra Dee in her last film role. This was the last film released to theaters that Adamson directed. LOST is available on the Severin Kids release of CARNIVAL MAGIC as the second feature on the blu ray.
The event is free and each child will receive a free popcorn and soft drink.
The schedule of events:
3:00-4:00 Activities and concessions
4:00-4:30 Skate films
4:40-5:00 Break/Discussion
5:00-6:35 LOST screening
6:35-7:00 Sign posters and announce winners of coloring contest
Severin Kids will also be at the Wakanyeja Iglukinin Pi (“Children Reviving Themselves”) Skateboarding event the following day, August 19th as a sponsor.
The youth on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation will have an opportunity to participate in a Skate Party at the No Heart Skatepark. All ages and abilities are welcome. Come out rain or shine from 4-8pm for food, fun, music, and giveaways.